Power 3’s

“A compilation of wins builds confidence, so we’ve got to find those SMALL wins!”

Welcome! This is the first “real” post (besides when we became BFF’s when I introduced myself to you all) on my new blog and I’m so excited to share this season of life as a new mom with you guys!

One of the biggest hurdles I feel like every new mother is faced with is confidence & self-worth. Nothing is as it was before our precious babies entered into this world given to us from our Creator. Not just our bodies, but our schedule, how we spend our “free-time” (wait…what exactly is that again?), & what we are constantly thinking about.

Am I feeding my baby enough? Is he/she doing the appropriate things for their age? When will I ever feel like myself again?

I’m sure you’ve heard that confidence is a muscle and we have to “exercise” it in order for it to grow, but how exactly is that supposed to happen? Like hello lady, I’m a new mom here I ain’t got time for anything! But – the good news is that none of these things require too much of our time, but instead our thoughts.

As a new mom myself, I’m constantly working on implementing what I like to call these tools as the “Power 3’s” to help remind me of what I DO have going for me, rather than what I don’t.

{{And let’s be honest…My brain is so scattered these days, that 3 things is about all I can handle before forgetting or getting distracted again by the baby!}}

— I very QUICKLY learned that my Type A, Get it done “To-Do” list personality is no longer dictated by myself, but rather my baby. I hate going to bed and feel like I’ve gotten nothing accomplished for the day that I wanted to do (even though I know it happens & I’m learning to be okay with it)!

  1. MORNING: The first POWER is writing down 3 things of HIGHEST importance or priority that you need to get done today. If you’re anything like me, your “To-Do” list is longer rather than shorter so try picking the top 3 that are your MUSTS that will lead to the most bang for your buck!
  2. AFTERNOON: Second POWER is 3 things you are thankful for. I’m constantly trying to stay in an “Attitude of Gratitude” state of mind, but it gets very difficult when things don’t go my way or when I start comparing myself to others. We, as mom’s, have got to stay in our lane and stop comparing our lives to everyone else!
  3. EVENING: Last POWER is 3 things that you are PROUD of for the day you just had! Sure, maybe your day didn’t go exactly as you wanted from your to-do list, but you kept a tiny human alive (even if you did lose it and yell).

I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more! If you’re a newbie at this “MOM” life like me or know someone that will be a mom soon, please share this blog with them! & if you’ve been a mom for awhile, I hope you stick around too and laugh with me sharing all your own insights you’ve learned along the way!

I hope this can provide helpful, encouraging, & sassy stories for all to enjoy 🙂 Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates!

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